Booklets, Guides and Programs

Printing Booklets, Programs and guides

Getting important information directly to your market is essential for any business or event. This multiple page product allow you to to use imagery and text in a bulk manner. Complimented with good design, you have a product that reflects your message.

Book Binding Options

We have a good selection of standard binding option as well as speciality option for a different look. Each option varies in cost which is determined by machinery, material , hand work requirements and overall time taken to complete. Here is a list of binding option available for book work:

  • Saddle stitched
  • Perfect bound
  • Notch Bound
  • Pur Bound
  • Wire bound
  • Ring bound
  • Comb Bound
  • Side stitched
  • Sewn stitched
  • Case Bound
  • Screw Bound


Capability Statements

Product Guides

Event programs





Business documents